PICTURE CoNsEqUeNcEs is the culmination of a 90-day photographic conversation in which artists Joseph Maida and Katie Murray exchanged new and archived pictures online. Taking into consideration the rise of the Internet as the primary platform for "reading" photographs and the current zeitgeist of working among genres and formats, Maida and Murray's resulting conversation/exhibition re-contextualizes their work and attests to their shared belief in the power of photographic pictures as potent language, metaphor, riddle, and game. The rules of their conversation follow.

1) We will engage in an online photographic conversation for 90 days. We will begin our correspondence at 12:01 a.m. on March 1 and will conclude at 11:59 p.m. on May 29, 2011.

2) We will take turns, each posting a picture in response to the other's most recent post.

3) We will respond to one another's posts within 24 hours. We may respond sooner but may not take more than 24 hours to reply.

4) We will only converse with photographs drawn from our own archives or made in direct response to the last photograph posted.

5) We will not post any supplementary material or text.

6) We will not discuss our photographic conversation with one another outside of our online picture exchange.

7) We will translate our resulting conversation into an exhibition at the conclusion of our conversation.